Convert your ppt files to doc online for free
Select files or drag & drop them here

How to convert PPT to DOC?

Click the «Choose files» button and select the PPT files you want to convert to DOC.

Select «DOC» as the target format. Click «Convert» to start converting PPT to DOC. It only takes a few seconds.

Done! Your PPT file has been converted to DOC format. You can download it to your device.

.ppt PPT converter

The PPT files are used for editable slide shows in Microsoft PowerPoint, which are often used for presentations. PPT files may include formatted text, bullet points, images, movies, sound effects, or music. They are often built from many templates included with the Microsoft Office PowerPoint software but may also be created from scratch.

.doc DOC converter

Microsoft Word traditionally used DOC files for its document files before version 2007. Later versions use the DOCX file extension instead. DOC file format is obsolete and no longer developed, but still widely used due to the popularity of Microsoft Office. Newer documents are converted from doc to docx format.

🔁 Conversion PPT to DOC
⏱ Time to convert 20 seconds
💳 Cost Free
📂 File types Presentations, Documents
✳️ File extensions .ppt, .doc
📏 File size limit 75 MB
👩‍💻 Supported OS Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android

Advantages of MiConv

PPT to DOC online

You don't need to download and install any software to convert .ppt files to .doc format. All conversions take place in the cloud.

File security

Your files are completely safe and accessible only to you. All files will be permanently deleted within 2 hours after conversion.

Fast and free

Convert your ppt files to doc in 2 clicks. And don't pay anything for it! Our PPT to DOC Converter is free for all users.

Other directions of PPT file conversion

You can also convert PPT to many other file formats. Please see the list of supported conversions below.

PPT to DOC Converter Quality Rating

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Rated 9.84/10 based on 82549 reviews
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